Here, we cover what you need to submit to Companies House, based on what’s happened in your company in the accounting period.
There are 3 categories that we cover here:
A dormant company that has never traded
A dormant company that has previously traded
A company that is ‘almost’ dormant; i.e. one with fewer than 20 transactions in the accounting period.
If you have a dormant company that has never traded, you can submit dormant accounts online at the Companies House website, for free, using the AA02 form.
More specifically, you can only use the AA02 form if:
You’re filing for a limited company by shares: find your company at Companies House, then click on it. If you see that it shows Company Type of ‘Private limited Company’, then it’s a limited company by shares. If it’s anything else, you can’t use the AA02 form.
Your company hasn’t previously traded (i.e. had any sales, expenses or bank transactions).
The only transaction that has taken place in your company is the initial issue of shares, when the company was incorporated.
It does not prepare it’s accounts in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IAS)
If your company meets all the above criteria, you can use the AA02 form to file online at Companies House. Alternatively, we can also do this for you - we charge £25 for this service. Click here to start
For companies that have previously traded, or don’t meet all of the above 4 points, you can’t use the AA02 form to file online at Companies House.
Instead, you need to submit accounts in the normal, more long-winded way, at Companies House. We can prepare and file these for you, for £60. Click here to start.
Unfortunately, a company is either dormant or active; there is no such thing as ‘almost dormant’
However, we recognise that some companies have just a handful of transactions, and therefore it just doesn’t make sense to pay an accountant £600 or more to prepare and submit them.
If this is the case, your company isn’t dormant for the period in which these transactions occurred.
In this case, your company needs to submit normal accounts (not dormant accounts).
We provide this service as well, but only if the number of transactions in your accounts is fewer than 20. We charge £150 for this. Click here to start.